A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

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On a distant world, the tribe leader of a pack of Raptoids has been captured by an unknown entity which wants to turn him and his tribe mates into mindless sex slaves. As specimen VD014, you'll need to take it on, challenging their robot army as well as your converted concubines and even more deadly enemies. The time has come for you to prove your dominance and free your pack...

Raptoid is a gay scaly bdsm themed beat-em-up game and an homage to the classic video games of the 90s, featuring lots of kinky game mechanics, enemy grapples and a fighting system that was was developed with empowerment and fun in mind.


OSWindows 7 (SP1+) , Windows 10 and Windows 11High Sierra 10.13+
CPUx86, x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support.High Sierra 10.13+Apple Silicon, x64 architecture with SSE2
Graphics APIDX10, DX11, and DX12-capable GPUsMetal-capable Intel and AMD GPUs


If you enjoy my games, please consider supporting me on Patreon. Each contribution, huge or small, makes a huge difference and allows me to spend more time working on my projects.

StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(43 total ratings)
Made withUnity
TagsBara, bdsm, Beat 'em up, Dinosaurs, Furry, Gay, LGBT, NSFW, scaly
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Xbox controller, Playstation controller


Buy Now$7.99 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $7.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Raptoid 1.0 WIN.zip 160 MB
Raptoid 1.0 MAC.zip 158 MB

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Wish there was a straight/hetero version of this

Can anyone help me with how to connect a controller to my laptop/pc?

Good game, though I wish there were more hypno and sub stuff!

thank you!


Awesome <3 ,that style looks fantastic and hot strong dinos <3


thank you!


will we get a female game at somepoint? even just a content toggle option?


Unfortunately no:/ maybe in a reboot!

Oki Doki figured i'd ask since you've got a female model from the alley game


I realize that you are done with this game and seem to be refusing to use Unity now, but it still seems to me that this game needs more work.  Hopefully you can at least use my feedback for future games.

I have not played the Tournament mode at the time of this review for I assumed it broken when I tried it and got a black screen bug.  I didn't feel up to trying the mode again once the game was rebooted, so this is going to be a review for the campaign alone.

This review is written suggesting that everything is good about the game except for the following points that I thought needed work or felt out of place:

- The opening cinematic of the campaign doesn't seem to have a skip feature and instead seems to need all kinds of button tapping to in order skip.  If I'm just not remembering trying to press start, there didn't seem to be a prompt about pressing start to skip the cinematic.  Dialogue with the cameraman could've used a faster way to skip it too, or better yet, allowing free movement during dialogue might've been a better choice imo.

- There is a spike pit area in I think level 2 that is nearly impossible for me to jump across, so it has become the most unnecessarily stressful part of each playthrough.  In my first playthrough I eventually was able to do it, but the second playthrough's attempt just ended in a lost life, which made me grateful for the respawn teleporting me out of the area.

- One of the levels, and I think level 3 or 4, has at least one colored light lever, but no upgrade platform as if the lever or levers have no purpose.

- The end level slot machine minigame is a tad too difficult to be a meaningful gameplay mechanic imo and ended up being more of an annoyance than helpful.  Perhaps you could've been given each of the items that appeared on the slot machine, even if you lost.
     I also felt that it was a tease for the characters surrounding the slot machine minigame to have their undergarments on, since it's taking place at the end of a level.

- The combat is quite limited and while you can sometimes hit enemies without taking damage, they will often get hits in and especially in groups.  I don't think that difficulties above Easy are worth playing because of all the random hits you take, or at least not for players who enjoy a more relaxed experience and/or ones with less skill or patience, and me, I am all three.
     The sprinting speed feels barely adequate for running "circles" around enemies in order to get quick hits in.  From a non-con fetish standpoint, this is good, but from a general gameplay standpoint of me trying to complete the campaign, it feels sluggish like the rest of the combat and makes things stressful.  Tanky enemies sometimes made me end up running away instead of fighting, desperately looking for weaker enemies to fight and build my insta-kill special attack gage.  This felt less exciting and engaging and more like a problem with gameplay.

- Difficulty adds nothing to gameplay but taking more damage and with such a basic combat system and unpredictable, nearly unavoidable enemy attacks, I don't expect many people to get far in the game on Normal and perhaps next to none on Hard.

- Running out of lives and being sent back to the main menu, while harkening back to retro games (which are usually not my thing, but I guess I overlooked that part of the description if not all of it when I added it to my wishlist well before purchase because I was so happy to find a rare action-based sex game that appeared to have the non-con fetish), seems to me almost unfitting for this sort of game, at least without roguelite mechanics where you keep getting stronger with each run.  Perhaps the Easy difficulty could've had you restart the level instead.  I would've personally enjoyed the upgrades becoming permanent as a roguelite mechanic, allowing players to ease into the higher difficulties and perhaps appealing more to a broader audience as a result.
    Maybe Easy and perhaps even Normal difficulty could've made the sexual grapple animations only drain energy until the energy is empty, at which point it would start to cause damage while keeping the sex animation the same length as usual instead of skipping to the end immediately, or at least with the case of the small, biting robots.

- A few color swaps for your scales in the character customization menu would've been nice.  You allowed nearly everything else about the protagonist to be customizable after all, so there being no skin palette swaps made the customization feel slightly lacking to me.  It felt less lacking when I realized that the main character is an "alpha" and seems to be meant to be that color for some reason, but the desire for skin palette swaps didn't leave me.
     Additionally, calling the body decals selection just "body" led me to believe that there would be body types to choose from such as thin, chubby, and extra muscly.  They didn't feel like a very good unlockable for playing an entire campaign with not a lot going on to make it very replayable neither, since the only other replay value outside of seeing animations again, which according to the comments are viewable in other modes anyway, consists of various game over screens for presumably most enemy types (I also read in the comments that at least horses were not implemented.) that immediately end the campaign and all progress made up until that point, so if you're actively trying to use the campaign for viewing (Or unlocking for the gallery?) said game over screens, you may find this process frustrating since not all enemies will spawn on all levels, and a game over in this game of course means a game over with the purest meaning of the term.

- The game is advertised as a beat 'em up, but it seems like more of an action platformer with some puzzle solving elements.
     Beat 'em ups traditionally involve flat areas with enemies to fight, usually allow movement into the foreground and background, and once the enemies in an area are defeated, you are allowed to move on to the next area while you may not be allowed to move back into any of the previous areas.
     Puzzle solving and backtracking in my mind better fit a metroidvania when used in a sidescroller game rather than an action platformer, particularly for a non-con survival game such as this one where there should be a near-constant sense of fighting for your freedom, not wandering around, looking for things, and possibly getting lost.  Perhaps that could've worked if for example enemies respawned if you took a while to find things at least, but at that point one would need something to balance that out like enemies dropping health pickups and having less health and more predictability to their attacks such as wind up animations... on the lower or lowest difficult if need be.

In conclusion, I don't know if the asking price is going to be quite worth it to me, especially seeing as the developer refuses to keep working on the game.  I think it seems more like I was sold an almost demo-like, abandoned early access game than a full game with how short the campaign is and how mildly to moderately dissatisfying the game has been for me so far.  Maybe the Tournament mode will be enjoyable for me and add to the experience, but I'm not expecting a lot when the main game sadly left me wanting more.
     It's a hot game.  Don't get me wrong.  It's just not been a very fulfilling experience for the price so far imo.

On a lighter note, I do appreciate the game overall, and maybe there will be a sequel or maybe there is one and I haven't seen it yet?  I'm curious about who the man behind the camera is. ;w; Maybe he could be a boss or something. ;3c

Now, before anyone decides to downvote my comment or argue with me, especially the developer, note that I paid for this game and have a right to leave negative and hopefully constructive feedback, even if the game is considered finished.

The amount of time and effort put into development of a game by the way, which was noted by the developer in the comments, is irrelevant to the quality of the end product.  The consumer should not be responsible for feeling thankful for time spent on a game, most of all if they were not completely satisfied.


hello, thank you so much for the detailed feedback. I will try to incorporate all of the mentioned points in my future game projects.

(1 edit)

Hello.  I'm glad to be of help. c:

I'm sorry if I might sound harsh at times.  I'm very passionate about games and especially about how very few we get like this one. :'3c

Good luck with everything! .nwn.

Me encanto tu juego, es divertido al igual que erótico y su historia es simple pero intrigante y divertida.

¿tienes pensado mas juegos con los raptor incluidos?

will you update the game


hello, the game is finished and also I abandoned Unity. There’s already a new game in the works!


so... no porting from unity to unreal? no world 2, battle system improvements, all those ideas for scenes or choices (like staying in the rack or obeying more or less when the villain offered something)? i saw something with the small bitey bots all around our "hero" and thought more horse scenes were planned

Game is a lot of fun! I really enjoy exploring the facility and seeing all the situations the others are stuck in! I only wish that it was longer and that there was more of it! Lots of fun :3

Thank you so much!

(3 edits)

It looks interesting, in this game there is a way to voluntarily surrender. Do I mean submit to the enemies or do what the man in the camera says? or bad ending where you end up submitting to him?, or of voluntarily falling or surrendering to traps or chains

no you can’t:/ although a lot of folks requested it but it would be just a game over:)

Very well, I took a look at it in detail.  I have a few suggestions and I would like to share them with you. Can I send them to you via direct message somehow or do I have to post it here?  It looks pretty cool, I'd say it fit in with several things that caught my attention. I really hope that you continue with the development of the game. Right now there are several games like this on hiatus XD but the problem with Unity is understandable.  Keep going with it :).

I know this might be a strange question but, do you know how to connect a controller to pc, I see that there’s controls for a “game pad” and I was wondering if you knew how to connect a controller 

since raptoid was written in unity there are only very few gamepads supported such as PS or XBox controllers. That might be the problem here. If the controller is supported it works outbid the box once you plugged it in

Excellent game! Will there be any further updates?

the game is currently on hold because I switched from Unity to unreal



yes it’s available on steam too


This kind of a game is an exceptional rarity, one where the lewd is mixed in with the gameplay mechanics, rather than just as a reward for losing. Can't wait to see if you do anything else with it, or make more games like it!


thank you so much!

When playing stage 1, i cant go pass since i need to rescue every cocumbine. but cocumbine near the tentacle machines refuse to let me complete the sex scene. Im  not sure how to pass that. maybe bring one of the brainwash dinos near there and fuck him? to claim two at once?

hello in stage one you simply have to f*** them, make sure to be close enough when pressing the interaction key

Thats the problem, some of them are fuck by the robot arms. If i save them, they stay close to the robot arms. I cant finsih the sex with them because the robot arms will smack me away

you have to defeat the robot arm / tentacle first 

How do you get past the metal boxes on Stage 2? I've tried attacking them every way possible and every key combination I can think of, but I'm stuck. My kicks pass right through them.

there’s a panel on the left side of the stage, use it and see what happens:)

very fun game, would love to see more animations and a few more complete ones instead of loops, but overall great game

thank you!


How about any news about update? I can't wait to see more of it <3 


Working on it but I’m also planing a new game.


can't wait, i think i speak for most of us when i say you have us by the balls lmao

This game was amazing! Was completely unexpected how good it was going to be and was very entertained through all of it! Was worth the price!
Just wish I could see more animations like multiple characters joining in and the brown raptors could double you or get more frisky. Same with the horses.

Overall 10/10!

thank you so much! I’ve put in a lot of work!


I have an idea for an altenrante ending. At the end of level 4 the bad guy gives you an offer, he'll free your comrades at exchange of you submitting to him and becaming his slave. Another one could be at the beginning of level 1 if you don't break fast enough from the rack. Good game overall


i plan to add a few more endings and way more actions:)


Game is great! Will there be a surrender option in the future? Seeing a alpha obey is a fan favorite


it’s requested a lot so I’m thinking about adding it:)

Love the game so far. What I mean by this is that I can't seem to load up the Tournament start. Is that a Patreon exclusive mode or am I just having bad luck? Thanks for making good content, can't wait for more!


no, the game is fully unlocked. Can you try to start the game and without going to any othe ronde to directly start the tournament?

(1 edit) (+1)

I will check that now that I have a chance (am downloading a game rn, shouldn't affect it though).

Edit: So it loaded up just fine when going straight to the Tournament mode. Weird that going from main story mode to tournament causes the game to just blackscreen and softlock the load.


i put it on the bug list


Much appreciated, and I'm glad to be of some help!


I got the bug to but it happens if you played the game for a long time. If you restart the game tournament mode works fine.

You can get knocked back through objects.

Also door closing can kill you


that doors and elevators can kill you and enemies is intended. You can use them as weapons:)

would be nice if there was some kinda save o.o so that if u die in level 2 or higher..you dont get sent back to 1 and have to do it all again. But still an amazing and very sexy game

you can select already played stages and go on from there under Sätze special menu

Since the game has a steam release now is there any chance of you adding a steam key option to the itch.io sales?

Valve does not allow it

Really? I have seen other adult games like KoboldKare offer a steam key with their itch.io purchase. Ultimately it isn't a dealbreaker for me, but It eould be nice to have if possible


I created a steam key for a game for a friend of mine and was instantaneous contacted by valve to let me know that if I share too much keys for a paid game it might get kicked out of the store so I’d be very carefully with that.

great game! I hope you'd make a gallery feature that would allow us to watch our raptor get handled in all the scenes. It's hard to get off while watching the scenes midgame since they're too short :P

thank you! Actually there is a gallery in the special menu. You can watch all game overs there:)   


quik question can you maybe bring that game also for free pleas fro thos who don't have money to buy it but still want to play it


that would be unfair for everyone who purchased it plus im funding my dev with the sales:/

Deleted 1 year ago



i just need to wait until i get a account wher i can pay then its game time so long i have to wait*sight

Great game so far, however you can Softlock yourself in level 2 if your like me and trying to destroy the sample bot using the spike pit XD

i would like either an option to refuse his offer and destroying it, or some sort of safety precautions as i had to restart my run since i was missing the keycard to proceed.

aaaand Doors are a damn Menace. died way to many times because i closed a door inside of me.


thank you! Added it to my list:)


How to defeat the tentacle Robot

just punch the center tentacle

eyyy Tyranno is back at it. love to see more goods from you Mutant alley was great Dino's don't get nearly enough love


hey there, there will be a new update soon!

Great Game man : ), btw i noticed that there was an option for body types when customizing the player, what kind of body types can we expect in the future?

these are already in but you have to unlock them. You have to collect 12k claws and a new body skin will be unlocked 

ok, thanks

In one run or over multiple playthroughs?

Sexy game~ Is there a way to go back to your rack after the voice tells you to?


not ye t but it’s requested by a lot of people:)


I relly hope you can fuck that horse ass


It’s planed for a future update:)

just finished the game, loved it! it was short but good fun. i wish you could take up some of the camera man's offers though :p

im excited for any potential updates, game is lovely!


thank you! A lot of people wish to take these offers so I’m thinking about implementing them. And yes the game will receive further updates


Wow this game was incredible! Glad to say it was my first purchase here. c:

Looking forward to more updates!


Thank you so much! Yes there will be updates

I loved the first 2 stages. Though the last 3 I sped through without really seeing new content. Hope to see some more stuff~


Already in the work:)

This game is very nice. I can't wait for future updates and maybe something with the horses ? :D 


there will be more Goliath (horse) content:)


Love the game! Was tough but it isnt too easy so it was actually fun! An idea for a further update, When playing the game, I noticed How there would be some moments where you'd be given directions like at the beginning where you would be told to stay there, would be kinda neat if there was something to happen if you did wait or listen to the directions. I know there are two scenes that are similar, One in the 2nd or 3rd stage and a Second in the last stage in order to get keycards but you have to listen in order to progress. Just an idea, other then that the game was Fun! Cant wait to see what happens next


thank you! Actually your suggestion was brought up by others as well so I’m thinking about adding it:)

superb game, can't wait to see what the future holds!


Thank you and please let me know your wishes/ideas for future updates 


Nice dino holes!


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